Tag: Late Bloomers

  • Starting Late, But Starting Anyway

    January 15th. Half the month is gone, and I feel like I haven’t even started the year the way I wanted. My New Year’s resolutions are untouched, and that really hurts. It’s not just disappointment;it feels like I’ve let myself down again.

    I’ve been thinking a lot lately, looking back at my life. I’m about to hit 30 in May, and I can’t help but feel like I have nothing meaningful to show for it. No big achievements, no milestones that make me proud. It’s frustrating. I’ve spent so much time hoping, dreaming, and imagining, but rarely doing anything.

    I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve searched for stories or movies about late bloomers. It’s like I’m constantly looking for proof that it’s not too late for me. I’d sit there, imagining myself as one of those people who finally figure it out and succeed. But the truth? I hardly ever did anything to get closer to that dream. I stayed stuck in my head, where it felt safe.

    It’s not just stories. I’ve consumed so much self-improvement content. Articles, videos, influencers. I know all about setting goals and building habits, but I haven’t moved forward. I stayed where I was, even with all that knowledge. It’s like I was just collecting ideas instead of using them.

    Why? Fear. Fear of failing has kept me stuck. Every time I think of starting something, there’s this voice in my head saying, “You’ll probably fail. Why even bother?” That voice always wins, and I don’t even try. Deep down, I know that by not trying, I’m already failing. But somehow, the idea of failing after trying feels worse, so I stay in this cycle.

    Another problem? I’ve been all over the place. I tried freelance graphic design, but it didn’t work out. Then I switched to digital art, thinking that could be my thing. But I didn’t stick with it long enough to get good. I kept changing directions, hoping to find the one thing that would make everything fall into place. But nothing works like that.

    Looking back, I see what went wrong. I never gave myself the chance to really learn or master anything. I was chasing quick results instead of putting in the time and effort to grow. That’s what I want to change now. I want to commit to one thing, stick to it, and see where it takes me.

    Starting this blog is part of that commitment. I don’t know much about blogging. But I’m tired of waiting to be “ready.” I’ve spent so many years waiting for the perfect moment, and I don’t want to wait anymore.

    This blog is my accountability. It’s not just about me writing,it’s about having a space where I can be honest with myself and others. If someone’s reading this, it means I can’t just give up. I have to keep going, even when it gets hard. This is my way of holding myself responsible.

    It’s scary. The fear of failing hasn’t gone away. But I’m starting to realize that doing nothing is worse. I don’t want to spend another year stuck in this same place, feeling like I’ve wasted more time.

    I don’t have a perfect plan for my life. I don’t even know what success looks like for me yet. But I know I want to feel proud of myself. I want to look back and know that I tried, even if things didn’t go perfectly.

    So, this is my beginning. It’s messy, but it’s real. No more waiting. No more staying stuck in my head. Just one step at a time.

    Today is my first step. Let’s see where it leads.